17 Acres Added to Island Preserve

Elizabeth Chanler Chatwin has made another extraordinary gift to the Geneseo community by adding a crucial 17.5 acres of land to Genesee Valley Conservancy’s Island Preserve in the Village of Geneseo.

These 17.5 acres secure permanent access to the preserve from Lima Road, providing a link for the Lima Road community to not only the trails of the preserve but also a direct route to Geneseo Central School. The added acres also present a boost to the preserve, creating the opportunity for additional trails and ensuring open space is part of the Village’s future.

The Beginning

As this former farm became derelict, siblings Elizabeth Chatwin and Oliver Chanler worked with the Village of Geneseo and the Conservancy on their plan to acquire the farm, create a transitional development and create a protected open space for the benefit of the community.

After their purchase of the land, Elizabeth and Oliver developed a limited housing development (Cavalry Road) with large lots on the edge of the Village to provide a transition from the higher density village center to the rural open space of the town. The siblings were then able to donate 40 acres of land to create what is now the Island Preserve, so named due to the “island” woodlot surrounded by open fields. This donation was made in 2004 as the Conservancy’s second nature preserve.

The siblings kept ownership of a 17.5 acre field from their original purchase and maintained it as farmland, which is the piece of land now being donated to the Conservancy.

Educational Uses

Elizabeth and Oliver knew the location of this property, across the street from Geneseo Central School, would make the Island Preserve an ideal outdoor classroom for students of all ages and for a variety of subjects. From kindergartners to high-school seniors, a number of classes utilize the natural lands of the preserve: art, science, even sports teams.

SUNY Geneseo, just a mile down the road, also uses the lands of the preserve for classes and research. Students learn about species sampling, insect identification, and monitor bird behavior here.


As a former farm, the fields of the Island Preserve were converted to grassland with native cool and warm season grasses. These grasses provide ground cover for birds and wildlife throughout the year. Rotational mowing of half the property each year allows winter cover to remain on the property for birds and wildlife while preventing woody species from overtaking the grass.

Trailhead Access

For several years, a handshake agreement allowed public access from Lima Road back to the Island Preserve. While Elizabeth and Oliver were steadfast in their desire to ensure this handshake agreement became permanent access, they first needed to determine what was to become of the larger parcel.

Oliver Chanler passed in 2018. After some time, Elizabeth decided she wanted to finish the project they started together some 20 years before.

By adding this land to the Island Preserve, Elizabeth has secured that the access enjoyed by the community along Lima Road will remain in place. The 17.5 new acres also offer the space for the Conservancy to expand and add to the benefits of this nature preserve moving forward.

Future Management

No immediate changes for the parcel will take place; walking access from Lima Road will be maintained and the bulk of the parcel will be farmed this year. Over the course of 2021, Conservancy staff and the stewardship committee will discuss plans for the parcel and how it can best benefit the Village of Geneseo. Input from the Village and surrounding... neighborhoods will be sought as part of this process.

Committee member Dr. Kristi Hannam has tasked her SUNY Geneseo upper-level sustainability class with exploring various options for the parcel this spring. Her students’ research will be presented to the Conservancy as staff begin to consider the possibilities and practicality of how best to steward this additional land.

Financial Support

While the land was donated by Elizabeth Chatwin, due to the importance of securing access to Lima Road, the Conservancy utilized its reserve acquisition fund to act quickly on this land donation. The acquisition fund was used to cover the transaction costs of transferring this land including legal fees, staff time, property survey, and filing paperwork. The fund was established several years ago by supporters to help the Conservancy act quickly on key conservation projects.

Adding acreage to the preserve increases the Conservancy’s legal liability and staff time to manage and maintain this preserve. Fundraising is underway to help secure the long-term stewardship funds to properly maintain the Chatwin Expansion. You can support this project with a financial gift today:

Next Project

Landowners in the Genesee River watershed who own land that may make an ideal public nature preserve should contact Genesee Valley Conservancy for more information. GVC


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