Mill Creek Nature Preserve
About This Place
The property is known as "Mill Creek" due to the two branches of this creek that cross the property. The creek is the upper reaches of trout habitat and supports native brook and naturalized brown trout.
Please help us keep this place beautiful: carry-in, carry-out.
10651 State Route 21, Wayland
Steuben County, NY
Daily, Sun-up to Sun-down
Uses & Highlights
We welcome you to visit this property to walk and hike.
Enjoy this preserve’s
1.5 miles of hiking trails
Views of Mill Creek
Views of the hemlock forest
Property Rules
Carry-in / Carry-out
Dogs must be leashed or under owner control
No firearms, hunting, or trapping
Fishing allowed only when:
Using artificial lures
Using barbless hooks
Practicing catch & immediate release
Following all other NYS fishing laws
Our Management
Our primary goal is to maintain a natural open space for wildlife, in particular trout. Secondary goals are to provide public access for recreation and to promote educational opportunities.
To fulfill our primary goal, we are removing invasive species from the property, mostly in the understory surrounding the stream, to help foster a healthy regeneration of forest to provide shade and cool the stream so trout can thrive. The forest along the stream is primarily ash trees, which are dying off as a result of the emerald ash borer (agrilus planipennis).
Help Maintain This Preserve
Please contact us if you see issues out on the property or if you wish to help look after the trails and improve this place for others.
Research & Education
Please contact us if you are interested conducting research or educational visits to the property.

This nature preserve was made possible by a land donation from The Nature Conservancy.
The land acquisition was supported with funding from the New York State Conservation Partnership Program and New York's Environmental Protection Fund.